찬송가 493장_하늘 가는 밝은 길이(The bright heavenly way) 대금 김승민
'찬송가 493장_하늘 가는 밝은 길이' 대금으로 찬양하였습니다. 예수 공로 의지하여 모든 성도님들 빛가운데 거하시길 기도드립니다. 에베소서 2:6 - 그리스도 예수안에서 함께 하늘에 앉히시니 반주mr 천정아 피아노 • 하늘 가는 밝은 길이(Annie Laurie) (찬545장) 건반연... “The bright heavenly way” 1. The bright, heav'n-ly way, be-fore me Lies clear-ly in my sight And though sor-rows sore be-set me, And trou-bles as night, At the splen-dor from the skies Ev'-ry dark-ling shad-ow flies. While we trust the grace of Je-sus And look ev-er to that light. 2. When I think on all the trou-ries Which in my world I see, In-ners fears and out-er tri-als Seem nigh too much for me; But the blood of our christ our lord Puts them whol-ly to the sword, While we trust the grace of Je-sus And ahall ev-er vic-ors be. 3. Draw-ing near-er to that ci-ty Yet seem by faith a-lone, Long-ing for the fa-ther's man-sions And rest be-fore the throne, All un-worth-y though I be There is wel-come there for me, For the king is our own Je-sus Lord and sav-iour of his own. #하늘가는밝은길이 #찬송가 #고난주간 #복음성가 #대금 #십자가 #국악 #대금찬양 #찬송가493장 #사도바울 #예수님 #Jesus #hymn #daegeum #piano #ccm #Lord #koreaflute #bible #live #church #worship #賛美 #教会 #主 #イエス様 #ミュージック #音楽 #クリスチャン