The Deep Delta Sleeping Pill - 1hr Pure Binaural Beat Session at ~(1Hz)~ Intervals

The Deep Delta Sleeping Pill - 1hr Pure Binaural Beat Session at ~(1Hz)~ Intervals

NOTE: You will not hear anything without headphones! This is the DEEP SLEEP cycle of 1 hz. Very profound effect! Use this right before or while you sleep. A delta wave is a high-amplitude brain wave with a frequency of oscillation between 0.5–4 hertz. Delta waves, like other Brain waves are recorded with an electroencephalogram and are usually associated with the deep stage 3 of sleep, also known as slow-wave sleep (SWS), and aid in characterizing the depth of sleep. This audio track was produced in a professional recording studio. It was designed to help those who want to meditate, create personal inductions and connect with the superpower of their imagination! SUGGESTION OF HOW TO USE THIS: In a quiet environment sit back in a comfortable position and let your brain get in sync with The Delta Wave Pattern. Begin by cleaning up negative thoughts before you fall into the state of numbness that will eventually kick in. KNOW what you want, and imagine it with feelings of accomplishment and gratitude. Then, Sleep in Peace! Listen to this nightly with headphones or earphones on your devices to benefit from it. Don't put it too loud!