Friends: All Behind-The-Scenes Secrets Revealed! |⭐ OSSA

Friends: All Behind-The-Scenes Secrets Revealed! |⭐ OSSA

So you might think that you know everything about Friends… That’s until you watch our new video that shares BTS secrets in Friends that you probably have no idea about! After all, the Friends series took ten years to make, so it’s no wonder why there are so many secrets behind it. For example, did you know that Joey and Monica were supposed to be the central couple instead of Ross and Rachel? Why did everyone hate pairing up Joey and Rachel? And did you hear anything about some actors pitching a spicy idea about Joey and Phoebe? These Friends BTS details are revealed in this video! Besides, we’ll tell you who could become Friends cast members instead of Jennifer Aniston, David Schwimmer, Lisa Kudrow, Matt Leblanc, Courteney Cox, and Matthew Perry. We’ll share who of the Friends actors wanted to quit the show before the 10th season of the Friends TV show. We’ll show you what David Crane thought about giving particular names to the TV series Friends episodes. We’ll tell which set had to be destroyed for the Friends finale. And we’ll give you the best glimpse into Friends behind the scenes! So are you ready to learn more Friends secrets? Then click play now and see ‘The One That Goes Behind the Scenes!’ #friends #friendsreunion #friendsreunion2021 ⭐OSSA is the best source for entertainment news about the celebrities we love. ⭐Our YouTube channel dishes up celebrity news and gossip on the stars you admire the most. From popular TV hosts to Hollywood golden age actresses, from the royal family members to western movies acting legends. SUBSCRIBE to our channel to watch more amazing videos about celebs! OSSA on Instagram   /   OSSA on TikTok OSSA on twitter:   / ossa_celebs   OSSA on facebook:   / ossa-937878333055503