Drop kick for the win in  Dead Island 2

Drop kick for the win in Dead Island 2

The drop kick is frankly one of the best moves in Dead Island 2, purely for what happens when you bosh zombies around. You can drop kick them into all sorts of things. We've been getting up to shenanigans and mischief in ‪@deadislandgame‬ 2. This is a series of clips of my adventures with ‪@LugJagGaming‬ and Space Cannons playing the game in co-op mode while trying to poke, prod and science the heck out of things. Dead Island 2 is great and well worth checking out frankly as the amount of different things you can do with the environment, weapons and more is incredible. This is easily one of the best zombie games I've played lately. It's not got the same awesome parkour of Dying Light 2, but it does have guns, massive maps and plenty of intriguing ways to kill zombies. If you enjoy this video then be sure to checkout the playlist as there are other clips videos from Dead Island 2. I'll also be crafting tips and tricks content for it as well. Buy Dead Island 2 from Epic https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/d... And while you're there, consider using the support-a-creator tag to help support me - THEPROVOKEDPRAWN Buy Dead Island 2 from Green Man Gaming (this is an affiliate link that supports the channel at no cost to you): https://greenmangaming.sjv.io/eKRGbr Appreciate you. #DeadIsland2 #DeadIsland2Funny #ZombieGames Also watch my main channel to see my gear reviews:    / theprovokedprawn   Follow me on TikTok   / theprovokedprawnpews   Join my Discord   / discord   Follow on Twitch   / provokedprawn   Follow on Twitter   / provokedprawn   Follow on Instagram   / theprovokedprawnpews   Checkout Reddit -   / theprovokedprawn   Follow Sir Henry Deadman:    / @deadmandabbles5689   And Luggag3:    / @lugjaggaming