Blown Head gasket - Dropped Liner - Pressure in Coolant - Cummins ISX
today I do my best to document a full rebuild on a motor after it started pushing coolant out through overflow, driver put a hole in cap for it to spray up and not through left side. Cummins see a lot of these issues where the liners drop, blowing the head gasket, and then putting pressure into the coolant. and that is what we check with the "block tester" liquid.the fluid we put in was blue, but if exhaust gasses are present in the coolant, fluid turns green like we had. so tore down engine, had block cut and installed shims with all the OEM parts and sent it back on the road. follow me on ig @BulletMcNugget email me @ [email protected] music: Song: SKIRK - Sunrise Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music. Creative Commons - Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported Video Link: • SKIRK - Sunrise (Vlog No Copyright Mu...