Beast Gohan is CHEAT CODES……… (Sparking! ZERO Ranked Singles)
Yurrr!!! Wassgood yall!!! I been using Beast Gohan a lot lately and decided to take him into ranked singles! Its the very FIRST time EVER, that I'm playing singles with someone that is not KID BUU........ and it went GREAT! Be sure to watch until the end to see what happens in the 10th game of the streak! But of course, you guys enjoy this super solid ranked session, if you do of course be sure to leave a like, subscribe and let me know what you think of not only the new DLC but this video, in the comments below! Regardless, any and all support is always appreciated. Thanks! you everyone and enjoy! • • • Join the discord! — / discord • Follow me on instagram! — / kinggtimmyyyyt • Follow me on TikTok! — / kinggtimmyyy • • • #dragonball #sparkingzero #dbzmoments #kidbuu #ranked #sparking #gaming #gamer #clutch #videogames #dragonballz #dbz #supersaiyangod #supersaiyangod #counter #gokublack #new #patch #sparkingzeromoments #sparkingzeroclips #vegeta #masterroshi #yajirobe #creator #foryoupage #explorepage #beastgohan #gamma1 #gamma2 #orangepiccolo