New TMNT LEONARDO KRIG C Build is GOD TIER in BO6! 🐢 (Best Krig C Class Meta Loadout Black Ops 6)
New TMNT LEONARDO KRIG C Build is GOD TIER in BO6! 🐢 (Best Krig C Class Meta Loadout Black Ops 6) More Hero (WZ/Store Bundles/Misc) CHANNEL: / @morehero Hero No Commentary Channel: / @heronocommentary HeroShorts Channel: / @heroonyoutube Kick: www.kick.com/themarkofahero In this video of Call of Duty Black Ops 6 or BO6, I decided to use the BO6 Krig C or Krig C BO6. The Black Ops 6 Krig C is so great that I had to build the best Krig C class bo6. The Krig C Black Ops 6 is incredible with the best Krig C loadout bo6 that I built. I really recommend this bo6 best Krig C loadout and bo6 best Krig C class so you can succeed in Call of Duty! This is the best ar bo6. In this video I also show the best krig C build bo6 and the bo6 best krig C build! This is the new BO6 Season 2 Reloaded Meta! I love you all! PARTNERED with GFUEL (use code BALLER) https://sldr.page.link/nBLy previous 🚨 ALERT 🚨 CHANGE SETTINGS NOW in BO6 Season 2 Reloaded Update 🎮 (BO6 Best Settings PS5 Xbox PC Aim) • 🚨 ALERT 🚨 CHANGE SETTINGS NOW in BO6 ... SEASON 2 RELOADED XM4 BUILD is META in BO6 UPDATE! 😍 (Best XM4 Class Setup Loadout Black Ops 6) • SEASON 2 RELOADED XM4 BUILD is *META*... New HERO SAUG Build is SUPERIOR in BO6 AFTER UPDATE! 👑 (Best Saug Class Meta Loadout Black Ops 6) • New HERO SAUG Build is SUPERIOR in BO... #1 FASTEST TTK SMG Build is WICKED in BO6! 🎯 (Best Kompakt 92 Class Setup Meta Loadout Black Ops 6) • #1 FASTEST TTK SMG Build is WICKED in... New GOD PP 919 Build is FORMIDABLE in BO6! 😈 (Best PP 919 Class Setup Meta Loadout Black Ops 6) • New GOD PP 919 Build is FORMIDABLE in... BETTER THAN TR2? 🤯 #1 GOBLIN MK2 Build in BLACK OPS 6! (Best Goblin MK2 Class Meta Loadout BO6) • BETTER THAN TR2? 🤯 #1 GOBLIN MK2 Buil... New BINARY TRIGGER TANTO 22 Build is BUSTED in BLACK OPS 6! 🔥 (Best Tanto 22 Class Meta Loadout BO6) • New BINARY TRIGGER TANTO 22 Build is ... 356 KILLS 🚨 New "TR2" FAL Build is 2 SHOT in BLACK OPS 6! (Best TR2 Class Setup Meta Loadout BO6) • 356 KILLS 🚨 New "TR2" FAL Build is 2 ... New #1 AS VAL Build is GOD TIER after UPDATE 😍 (Black Ops 6 Best AS Val Class Loadout Meta Season 2) • New #1 AS VAL Build is GOD TIER after... NEW TOP 5 UPDATED Pro Meta Best Ranked Play Classes BO6 Season 2 🏆 CDL Best Class Setups Loadouts • NEW TOP 5 *UPDATED* Pro Meta Best Ran... 2 shot meta guitar gun is crazy in black ops 6 🎸 (Best Feng 82 Class Meta Loadout BO6 Season 2) • 2 shot meta guitar gun is crazy in bl... BREAKING my KRIG C Build ENTIRELY on BLACK OPS 6! 💪 (Best Krig C Class Meta Loadout BO6 Season 2) • BREAKING my KRIG C Build ENTIRELY on ... TOP 5 META RIFLE LOADOUTS in BLACK OPS 6 SEASON 2! 🏆 (BO6 Best Class Setups) - BO6 Best Guns • TOP 5 *META* RIFLE LOADOUTS in BLACK ... New MOST BROKEN CYPHER 091 Build is UNFAIR in BLACK OPS 6! 🤯 (Best Cypher Class Meta Loadout BO6) • New MOST BROKEN CYPHER 091 Build is U... TOP 5 META SMG LOADOUTS in BLACK OPS 6 SEASON 2! 👑 (BO6 Best Class Setups) - BO6 Best Guns • TOP 5 *META* SMG LOADOUTS in BLACK OP... New #1 TTK PPSH 41 Build is BUSTED in BLACK OPS 6! 🔥 (Best PPSH 41 Class Meta Loadout BO6 Season 2) • New #1 TTK PPSH 41 Build is BUSTED in... TERMINATOR AMES 85 Build is SCARY in BLACK OPS 6! 🤖 (Best Ames 85 Class Meta Loadout BO6 Season 2) • TERMINATOR AMES 85 Build is SCARY in ... New FULL AUTO AEK 973 Build is BROKEN in BLACK OPS 6! (Best AEK 973 Class Meta Loadout BO6 Season 2) • New FULL AUTO AEK 973 Build is BROKEN... NEW FASTEST WAY TO LEVEL UP + LEVEL UP WEAPONS FAST BLACK OPS 6 NEW UPDATE! 🤯 (BO6 FAST XP METHOD) • *NEW* FASTEST WAY TO LEVEL UP + LEVEL... New SEASON 2 PP 919 Build DELETES ALL in BLACK OPS 6! 😻 (BO6 Best PP 919 Class Setup Meta Loadout) • New SEASON 2 PP 919 Build DELETES ALL... TOP 10 META LOADOUTS in BLACK OPS 6 SEASON 2! 🏆 (BO6 Best Class Setups) - BO6 Best Guns • TOP 10 *META* LOADOUTS in BLACK OPS 6... NUKED OUT UNLOCKED in BLACK OPS 6! ☢ (BO6 Dark Ops Calling Card Challenge) • NUKED OUT UNLOCKED in BLACK OPS 6! ☢ ... BECOME A MEMBER OF MY CHANNEL(shout outs at end of vids if 10 people "JOIN") / @themarkofaheroog 🔥 Follow Me Everywhere! 🔥 Twitch: / themarkofahero Twitter: / themarkofahero Instagram: / themarkofahero Use Code "Hero" 🎯 GET BETTER AIM AT KontrolFreek: https://www.kontrolfreek.com/ 🎯 Call of Duty Hero or Hero Call of Duty. COD Hero or Hero COD. The true Warzone Hero Warzone. 👪 My TEAM 👪 KARNAGE CLAN: / karnageclan PSNs and stuff: TheMarkOfAHero, HeroTheHunter HeroOnYouTube Warzone Hero Warzone Format (the one who made my Logo and Banner!) / formatdesigns / @themindofformat #bo6 #tmnt #krigc bo6,black ops 6,hero,markofahero,bo6 krig c,krig c bo6,krig c,krig c loadout,krig c build,best krig c class,best krig c loadout,best krig c build,best krig c class setup,krig c class bo6,krig c loadout bo6,bo6 best krig c class,best krig c class bo6,bo6 best guns,best guns bo6,krig c bo6 build,best krig c loadout bo6,best krig c build bo6,bo6 krig c loadout,bo6 krig c build,krig c setup,krig c build bo6,bo6 meta,bo6 update,bo6 season 2 reloaded