March 8 - The Last of Us 2 Weekend Playthrough #2 (w/ The AKAT$KII) | Full VOD
Be sure to follow all social links in the comment section below, and also follow my Twitch so that you don’t ever miss out on another stream incase I do a play through w/ friends again! Twitch: / sad_skii Featured in This Stream: Ashton ($niper): / ashton_geer Cayden ($oul): / cayden_tx Patrick ($amurai): / local_shooting_star5 / @theonly_pat Terrell ($oap): / ts.wrld3 / @soaps-notebook / soapisjust2clean 0:00 Intro 3:31 Seattle, Day II (Ellie) 1:02:28 Finding Strings (Ellie) 1:30:40 The Scars/Seraphites (Ellie) 2:43:51 St. Mary's Hospital (Ellie) 3:18:56 Road to The Aquarium (Ellie) 4:02:10 The Flooded City (Ellie) 5:04:04 Infiltration (Ellie) 5:23:59 Tracking Lesson (Abby) 5:40:39 Seattle Day I (Abby) 6:26:31 Stream Crash/End of Stream