Our Father | Rev. Dr. Carl P. Wallace | June 11, 2023

Our Father | Rev. Dr. Carl P. Wallace | June 11, 2023

June 18, 2023 Series: Lessons From Wakanda Title: Our Father Text: 2 Thessalonians 2: 13-17 (NIV) Preacher: Rev. Dr. Carl P. Wallace Join us today for worship service as we celebrate our fathers and father figures with guest speaker, Rev. Dr. Carl P. Wallace. __ For more information about South Euclid United Church of Christ please visit: www.SouthEuclidUCC.org If you need prayer contact the Intercessory Prayer Ministry at Prayer@SouthEuclidUCC.org Your generosity makes our ministry possible, help fulfill our mission to “transform the lost into the found, and the found into followers of Jesus Christ who gather, grow, give and go.” www.GiveToSEUCC.org Text Amount to: 216-438-2888 Givelify: https://giv.li/3fbs4l. _ Stay Connected to Our Church & Our Pastor: Follow SEUCC online:   / southeucliducc     / southeucliducc     / southeucliducc   Follow Pastor J:   / revccj     / revccj   Rev. Courtney Clayton Jenkins (@RevCCJ) | Twitter