The Nativity of the Lord, Christmas Vigil Mass 7:00 pm

The Nativity of the Lord, Christmas Vigil Mass 7:00 pm

The Nativity of the Lord, Christmas Vigil Mass, December 24, 2024 at 7:00 pm Holy Mass with Fr. Thomas Olikkunnel As this Christmas celebration "fills our hearts with the radiance of God's incarnate word," let us pray that the light of our faith in Jesus may also shine forth in our lives. As we rejoice in the angels' song of "peace on Earth to people of good will," let us resolve to be faithful "heralds of Christ's gospel" of peace. Tonight's Readings: First: Isaiah 62 : 1-5 Second: Acts 13 : 16-17 , 22 -25 Gospel: Matthew 1 : 1-25 Want to enjoy the Christmas celebration again? Join us again tonight at Midnight or Join us tomorrow at 10am, 12pm and 3pm in Spanish