Our SON has SURGERY! *Secrets Revealed*

Our SON has SURGERY! *Secrets Revealed*

Our Son has Surgery! secrets revealed In today's video Stephen goes in and gets his wisdom teeth removed. He has to have all four wisdom teeth out. He is a little nervous and isn't sure he wants to go through with the surgery. After he gets them removed he is really emotional and keep crying, he also may reveal some secrets that no one knows. Check out our Previous Video - ENTER VIDEO NAME - Graduates CONTROL OUR DAY for 24 Hours! -    • Graduates CONTROL OUR DAY for 24 Hours!   Jordan Matter has a fun new video! @jordanmatter - MY DAUGHTER TEACHES HIGH SCHOOL ft/ Stokes Twins -    • MY DAUGHTER TEACHES HIGH SCHOOL ft/ S...   Watch our friends The Ohana Adventure! @theohanaadventure - My Daughter's FIRST MAKEUP! Haul & Makeover! -    • We bought our TEEN DAUGHTER all the m...   Check out FUN SQUAD FAMILY! @FunSquadFamily - SECRET BABYSITTER! Kalia’s HOME ALONE!?! -    • My Daughter is HOME ALONE with SECRET...   We LOVE NEN FAM'S new video @nenfam - FiRST DAY of SUMMER BEDROOM SWAP w/ 10 KiDS! -    • FiRST DAY of SUMMER BEDROOM SWAP w/ 1...   SOTY Merch:    / @soty   Our FUN SOTY YouTube Channels: Shot of The Yeagers:    / @soty   SOTY Animations:    / @sotyanimation   Stephen Yeager:    / @stephenyeager   Taylor Kaylynn:    / @taylorkaylynn   Just 4 Girls:    / @sotysisters   SOTY Gaming:    / @sotygaming   Stephen Yeager Gaming:    / @stephenyeagergaming9418   Website: https://www.shotoftheyeagers.com/ SOTY social media: SOTY Social Media TikTok:   / thesotyfam   TikTok:   / sotystephen   TikTok:   / j4gsotysisters   Instagram:   / shot_of_the_yeagers   Instagram:   / stephen_m_yeager   Business email: [email protected] Fan email: [email protected]