Riding METRA into Kenosha on April 25, 2021
I am glad that I had a chance to visit the Chicago area so I could ride METRA Trains, but being able to make videos while riding the METRA Trains makes things, even better! It was nice to be able to see Lake Michigan during parts of this video, which caused riding the train to be more fun than usual and besides, I had plenty more interesting and thought provoking things to talk about during this video, which included the riots that occurred during late August of 2020 and not only that, I talked about diarrhea and I even used the word "penis" during this video! I am willing to bet that I am the only person in the world who talks about diarrhea and penises during a train video? Who else talks about diarrhea and penises while making a video while riding a train? Not only that, I decided to shoot from the hip with the things that I talked about! It's exciting to be able to make videos while riding the METRA Train because trains are fucking cool! Actually, trons are fucking cool!