Natural Ayurvedic Treatment for Liver Cirrhosis with Hepatopulmonary Syndrome - Patient Review

Natural Ayurvedic Treatment for Liver Cirrhosis with Hepatopulmonary Syndrome - Patient Review

Ayurveda is considered as the science of life. Ayurveda is always considered secondary for treating many conditions. But what if a very chronic disease, which has shattered the hopes of a family and the allopathic science has given their final answer that nothing else can be done, is getting better with Ayurvedic herbs and formulation? Now, Ayurveda should uphold an upper hand as a science for the treatment of various conditions. In this testimonial, shares a story of such patient (Mohit Arora) who is suffering from liver cirrhosis along with hepatopulmonary syndrome. The patient was having Fibroscan kPa values around 70 and was on continues oxygen when the family has started treatment from Planet Ayurveda. in Present time the kPa of the patient has reduced to 50's and the oxygen supply or support is not required any more. That is the beauty of Ayurveda, it not only provides treatment but also gives hope to many such families, who are suffering and don't know what to do about their family member's present condition. Ayurveda can be the support system as well major treatment system for not only hopeless people but for very common and general conditions as well. Check Website - ************************************************************* CONTACT US:- E-mail ID for free online consultation - [email protected] Phone: (+91)172-521-4040 Free WhatsApp Consultation: (+91) 991-559-3604 ************************************************************** FOLLOW US : Facebook :   / planetayurvedaindia   Instagram :   / planetayurveda   Twitter :   / planetayurveda4   Subscribe Our YouTube Channel :    / planetayurvedatv   Blog : #LiverCirrhosis #HepatopulmonarySyndrome #LiverFibrosis #NaturalTreatment #AyurvedicTreatment #RealTestimonial #PatientReview #ReverseLiverCirrhosis #LiverCare #LiverHealth #CirrhosisOfTheLiver #LiverTransplant #EndStageLiverDisease #ESLD #LiverCirrhosisSymptoms #LiverCirrhosisTreatmentInIndia