Elvis Presley with Ginger Alden’s father, Walter Alden.The two met in March 1958.

Elvis Presley with Ginger Alden’s father, Walter Alden.The two met in March 1958.

Elvis Presley with Ginger Alden’s father, Walter Alden. The two met in March 1958. when Ginger’s father worked as a Public Relations Officer in the army in Memphis. . . #elvisgraceland #graceland #memphistn #elvispresley #elvislove #elvisfan #elvisforever #elvissongs #elvissong #elvismovie #kingofrockandroll #tcb #elvislegacy #elvislove #priscillapresley #lisamariepresley #elvisfamily #elvis #canthelpfallinginlove #burninglove #elvisharmy #elvisinmunich #elvistheking #presley #elvisaaronpresley #elvisaaron #elvisaaronpresleyfans #elvismovies #elvisfan #elvisfans #elvispresleyfan #elvispresleyfans #elvishistory #elvismusic #elvissong #elvissongs #gladyspresley #vernonpresley #lisamariepresley #graceland #memphis #tennessee #terrystephensonmusic #terrystephenson