ANT-MAN And THE WASP Quantumania Trailer Breakdown | Easter Eggs Explained, Hidden Details & Review

ANT-MAN And THE WASP Quantumania Trailer Breakdown | Easter Eggs Explained, Hidden Details & Review

ANT-MAN And THE WASP Quantumania Trailer Breakdown | Easter Eggs Explained, Hidden Details, Kang's Plan, Plot Leaks, Reaction And Review. We break down the Ant-Man and The Wasp Quantumania Trailer. As the first movie of Phase 5 we discuss the effect that this movie will have on future releases, Including Jonathan Majors as Kang and his various guises, Cassie Lang as Stinger, MODOK and what it means leading into the Avengers double header as part of Phase 6. #AntmanandtheWasp #Quantumania #AntmanAndTheWaspQuantumania #AntmanTrailer #QuantumaniaTrailerLeak #MCU #Phase5 #ScottLang #KangTheConqueror #Marvel #MarvelPhase5 #BillMurray #Kang #Modok If you enjoyed this video then please subscribe to the channel    / @heavyspoilers   If You Want To Help Support The Channel So I Can Make More Videos Like This Please Donate Here:    / @heavyspoilers   Check out our #shorts channel here HEAVY SPOILERS CLIPS -    / @heavyspoilersclips8820   Check out our website at Get some awesome Heavy Spoilers show clothes, phonecases and accessories at - Check out our BEST new videos below Bad Batch Season S02E01 Breakdown -    • BAD BATCH S2 Episode 1 & 2 Breakdown ...   The Menu Ending Explained -    • THE MENU Ending Explained | Full Plot...   Glass Onion Breakdown -    • GLASS ONION: Ending Explained | Full ...   Alice In Borderland S2 Ending Explained -    • ALICE IN BORDERLAND Season 2 Ending E...   Everything Everywhere All At Once Breakdown -    • Everything Everywhere All At Once Bre...   Logan Breakdown -    • LOGAN Breakdown | Ending Explained, E...   Check out our best Shorts videos The Menu Hidden Twist -    • Did You Notice The Hidden Twist In Th...   Troll Ending Explained -    • TROLL Netflix Ending Explained | Post...   Mantis Clues Explained -    • Why we knew about this a long time ago   /* ---- SOCIAL MEDIA ---- */ Follow Us On Social Media At: Website - TikTok - Twitter -   / heavyspoilers   Instagram -   / heavyspoilers   Facebook -   / deffinitionmc   Follow our team at - Host Paul -   / heavyspoilers   Host Jared -   / jaredbuckendahl   Editor Steesh -   / steeshhaggie   Editor Matt -   / superheronexus   /* ---- VIDEO INFORMATION ---- */ Ok so the new trailer for Ant-Man And The Wasp Qunatumania is out now out and in this video we're gonna be doing a big breakdown to discuss all the hidden details, easter eggs and things you missed. I also wanna talk about some plot leaks and this will explain why Janet fears the quantum realm her relationship with Kang. I won't however spoil the ending of the movie and as always these leaks might not even be accurate so take em with a pinch of salt.  Now who here is like - If you enjoy the video though smash that like button and make sure you subscribe for videos like this every day. With that out the way, huge thank you for clicking this, now let's get into Ant-Man and The Wasp Quantumania! - Now the trailer opens with a shot of San Francisco. This is of course the location where the last two Ant-Man Movies have taken place at and it's also a location of Shang-Chi which we'll talk about further on in the video. There's lots of links to the Eternals, Nega Bands and the Ten Rings possibly linking all these movies together for the next phase in the MCU. Kang says that Scott is an interesting man and his narration dominates the entire trailer really giving the idea that he is a major force to be reckoned with in this movie. From here we see Scott and Hope on the Red carpet showing how they've gone from being on the run in Civil War to now being widely admired by the people of the MCU. Now the MCU has been litered with clues that Scott has cashed in on the fame that came with him helping to save the world in Avengers Endgame. Humanity was at it's lowest point after the snap and for five years the world wallowed in depression over the ones they lost and the anxiety of how fragile their lives were. We know from Hayward in Wandavision that times were dark and even the best heroes like Hawkeye became cruel vigilantes that murdered people en mass. Scott returned from the Quantum Realm and it was his return that ushered in the time travel plot that helped to save the universe. So man's a big name now and Ms Marvel opened with a nod to his podcast Big Me Little Me. Music By - PSiMiTAR ► Youtube Subscribe - ► Instrumentals -    • [NO COPYRIGHT MUSIC] STEESH - The Fee...   ► Twitter -   / steeshhaggie   ► Instagram -   / steeshhaggie