INSANE DETAILS In Ant-Man & The Wasp Quantumania | Easter Eggs, Post Credits Scene & Movie Breakdown

INSANE DETAILS In Ant-Man & The Wasp Quantumania | Easter Eggs, Post Credits Scene & Movie Breakdown

INSANE DETAILS In Ant-Man And The Wasp Quantumania | Easter Eggs, Post Credits Scene, Things You Missed & Full Movie Breakdown. We breakdown, explain and recap the new MCU Marvel Phase 5 Movie Ant-Man And The Wasp Quantumania. We talk about all the easter eggs, hidden details and discuss Jonathan Major's Kang. #AntmanandtheWasp #Quantumania #AntmanAndTheWaspQuantumania #AntmanTrailer #PostCreditsScene #MidCreditsScene #EndCreditsScene #QuantumaniaTrailerLeak #MCU #Phase5 #ScottLang #KangTheConqueror #Marvel #MarvelPhase5 #BillMurray #Kang #Modok #theories #fantasticfour #QuantumaniaTheories If you enjoyed this video then please subscribe to the channel    / @heavyspoilers   If You Want To Help Support The Channel So I Can Make More Videos Like This Please Donate Here:    / @heavyspoilers   Check out our #shorts channel here HEAVY SPOILERS CLIPS -    / @heavyspoilersclips8820   Check out our website at Get some awesome Heavy Spoilers show clothes, phonecases and accessories at - Check out our BEST new videos below The Penguin Trailer -    • THE PENGUIN TRAILER | Breakdown, Batm...   The Marvels Trailer -    • THE MARVELS Trailer Breakdown | Easte...   Mandalorian Season 3 Episode 7 -    • THE MANDALORIAN Season 3 Episode 7 Br...   Yellowjackets Season 2 Episode 3 Breakdown -    • YELLOWJACKETS Season 2 Episode 3 Brea...   Spider-Man Across The Spider-verse Trailer Breakdown -    • SPIDERMAN Across The Spider-Verse Tra...   Blue Beetle Trailer Breakdown -    • BLUE BEETLE Trailer Breakdown | Easte...   Check our our Latest CLASSIC MOVIE BREAKDOWNS Blade Runner -    • BLADE RUNNER (1982) Breakdown | Endin...   ALIENS -    • ALIENS (1986) Breakdown | Easter Eggs...   ALIEN -    • ALIEN (1979) Breakdown | Easter Eggs,...   Scream -    • SCREAM (1996) Breakdown | Easter Eggs...   Total Recall -    • Total Recall (1990) Breakdown | Endin...   Shutter Island -    • SHUTTER ISLAND Breakdown | Ending Exp...   Interstellar -    • INTERSTELLAR (2014) Breakdown | Endin...   Check out our best Shorts videos THE SUPER MARIO BROS MOVIE Mid & Post Credits Scene Breakdown -    • THE SUPER MARIO BROS MOVIE Mid & Post...   Ant-Man And The Wasp Quantumania Post Credits Scenes -    • Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantumania Leak...   The Menu Hidden Twist -    • Did You Notice The Hidden Twist In Th...   /* ---- SOCIAL MEDIA ---- */ Follow Us On Social Media At: Website - TikTok - Twitter -   / heavyspoilers   Instagram -   / heavyspoilers   Facebook -   / deffinitionmc   Follow our team at - Host Paul -   / heavyspoilers   Host Jared -   / jaredbuckendahl   Editor Steesh -   / steeshhaggie   Editor Matt -   / superheronexus   /* ---- VIDEO INFORMATION ---- */ Ok so Ant-Man And The Wasp Quantumania is now out to own digitally and after rewatching the movie I thought I'd do a breakdown of the insane deatils in the movie that I haven't seen in any other breakdowns. This isn't going to be a scene by scene thing but rather it'll cover the most indepth ones and go over how they connect to the MCU and greater Marvel Universe. Now one of the coolest scenes in the film involves Scott travelling into a probability storm on a subterranean level. Down here we see as he creates multiple variants depending on what choices he makes. Huge shoutouts to Canadian Lad for pointing out that a really cool way to start this notion is the fact that when Scott takes a step a version of him pops out behind him. Him taking a step forward is him making a choice and thus there's an alternate version of him that didn't do this. However things go way beyond this and it actually nicely ties in with the previous Ant-man and the Wasp film. In that we learned that the character ghost had ties to the quantum realm and after seeing this film it's pretty obvious that she was tied in with some kind of probability storm. There's a brilliant moment in the trailer that discusses the quantum realm and it also shows Ghosts abilities. - If you look closely at this moment of her walking through the door you can see that another version of her pops out the back that looks similar to how one appears from Scott. This is a version of her that opened the door whereas the main one we have doesn't and thus its showing the two possible outcomes like what we get with scott. Music By - PSiMiTAR ► Youtube Subscribe - ► Instrumentals -    • [NO COPYRIGHT MUSIC] STEESH - The Fee...   ► Twitter -   / steeshhaggie   ► Instagram -   / steeshhaggie