Tapering Ativan Lorazepam or stopping  Philadelphia Psychiatrists

Tapering Ativan Lorazepam or stopping Philadelphia Psychiatrists

Ativan or Lorazepam can be difficult to taper or stop, due to withdrawal. If someone has taken this medication for a long period of time, takes higher end doses, takes more than is prescribed, or drinks alcohol, this can make it even more difficult to do so. Decreasing or stopping too abruptly can lead to withdrawal symptoms including sweats, racing heart, rebound anxiety, unstable vital signs, seizures and even death. Non controlled medications can be helpful in tapering lorazepam, and prescribers can also utilize compounding pharmacies to make extremely small changes over time. Do not make changes in your medications without speaking directly with your provider, but if are struggling with this medication, or having difficulty tapering or stopping it, please speak directly to your provider about the information in this video or call our office for an appointment. Dr. Pagnani is the Medical Director of Rittenhouse Psychiatric Associates in Philadelphia, PA and surrounding areas. Their practice has 25 Academically oriented provides and is now scheduling in-office and telemedicine visits. Visit our youtube channel:    / @rittenhousepsych   for additional informative videos in mental health. www.RittenhousePA.com www.ChrisPagnaniMD.com