Sunday Mass July 18, 2021 St. Clare of Assisi Parish Roman Catholic Church
Mass celebrated at St. Clare of Assisi church in Coquitlam BC. Join us Weekdays at 9AM and on Saturdays at 5PM We also stream on Facebook, Please Like and follow. / stclarecoquitlam Support your parish by donating at https://rcav.org/sunday-offering/?BBF... Thank you! Please visit our website for more information. Live-streamed on Saturday at the 5PM Mass Thank you to all that helped make this mass and recording possible. ______ About St. Clare -Our official website: https://stclare.ca Facebook Page: / stclarecoquitlam #MassOnline #CatholicMass #HolyMass #Morningmass #dailymass #TodaysMass #RomanCatholicChurch #Coquitlam #OnlineMassToday #SDS #CatholicMassOnline #VirtualMass #Easter #motherday