Dream About Moths - Biblical Meaning from Evangelist Joshua
#mothsdream #spiritualmeaning #evangelistjoshuatv The moth is a symbol of good luck and prosperity. Dreaming of a big moth can be interpreted as a positive omen, indicating that good things are coming your way. Your dream about a colorful moth portends an upcoming transformation or change in your life. For some people, moths in their dream may represent a feeling of fear, threat, danger or warning. 💧 Dream about butterflies:    • DREAM ABOUT BUTTERFLIES  - Biblical A...  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe to my channel and get enlightened. If you would like to support us in the work that we are doing. You can support and partner with the ministry here: 💧https://flutterwave.com/donate/ih1dln... 💧Check my website: https://evangelistjoshua.com 💧and https://bibleandprayers.com