森林小路 Peppa Pig - Nature Trail (40 episode / 2 season)

森林小路 Peppa Pig - Nature Trail (40 episode / 2 season)

Peppa Pig Nature Trail Peppa and her family go on a nature trail. They learn how to follow trails of footprints, which comes in handy when they get a bit lost. 有声绘本故事《Natural Trail》小猪佩奇之森林小路 今天,佩奇一家要去野餐!他们来到了一条森林小路,沿着地图往前走,佩奇和乔治观察到了好多有趣的事物:小鸟在树上吃虫子、蚂蚁在收集树叶...后面还发生了什么有趣的事情呢?反正大家都超级喜欢野餐~