BTS "00:00 (Zero O'Clock) Live" Reaction - Why didn’t we hear this sooner!? | Couples React
Abigail's birthday pick had to come a little early since she shares a birthday with Namjoon. 😂 This song has come up SOO much as a must watch for several months. And we can see why! WOW did we get sucked in. This song has been on repeat all week! --- Original video: • BTS - 00:00 (Zero O’Clock) live from ... ---- Patreon: / colombiancousinsandwives Instagram: / ccwreacts TikTok: / ccwreacts Email: [email protected] Discord: Patreon Exclusive ----- Mailing Address: 1525 US Hwy 380, Suite 500-1005 Frisco, TX 75033 ----- Video: zvncity Thumbnail: starcvndy