Quick home treatment of Diarrhea |Loose Motion | اسہال کا علاج |  by Adeel mansoor Urdu|Hindi

Quick home treatment of Diarrhea |Loose Motion | اسہال کا علاج | by Adeel mansoor Urdu|Hindi

Quick home treatment of Diarrhea |Loose Motion by Adeel mansoor Urdu|Hindi What is diarrhea? Diarrhea is the passage of loose, watery stools and/or having bowel movements more frequently than usual. Diarrhea is a common digestive symptom of a wide variety of mild to serious diseases, disorders and conditions. Diarrhea occurs in all age groups and populations. Depending on the cause, diarrhea can be short term (acute) and disappear relatively quickly, such as when it occurs with viral gastroenteritis. Diarrhea can also be continuous or recurring over a longer period of time (chronic), such as when it occurs with inflammatory bowel disease and irritable bowel syndrome. Diarrhea can range in severity from mild and self-limiting to serious and life-threatening. Diarrhea that is associated with bloody stool, rectal bleeding, vomiting blood, dizziness, fainting, or severe pain can be a symptom of a serious, potentially life-threatening condition Social links: Facebook ➜  / moalij1   Instagram➜   / thesehatchannel   ... Other informative videos Detox you blocked arteries | Dil ki Band Sharyanain Kholne Ka Tarika by Adeel mansoor Urdu|Hindi    • Detox you blocked arteries |  Dil ki ...   Some foods can maintain the feeling of fullness for longer time| पेट भरना स्वस्थ भोजन|Adeel mansoor    • Some foods can maintain the feeling o...   Five Lab Tests for Healthy Heart By Adeel mansoor urdu|Hindi    • Five Lab Tests for Healthy Heart By A...   Can COVID-19 spread through currency notes?kia currency say corona phail sakta hay|Adeel masnoor    • Can COVID-19 spread through currency ...   5 Ways To Help Make Your Hair Stronger | Mazboot baal| मजबूत बाल by Adeel masnoor Urdu|Hindi    • 5 Ways To Help Make Your Hair Stronge...   Breast Lumps | Breast Cancer Symptoms Treatment |Types of Breast Lumps by Adeel mansoor Urdu|Hindi    • Breast Lumps | Breast Cancer Symptoms...   How to get vitamin C | Vitamin C Deficiency| Vitamin C ki Kami ke Nuksanat Urdu|Hindi    • How to get vitamin C | Vitamin C Defi...   Food Items You Should Never Eat Empty Stomach and what is good to eat By Adeel mansoor Urdu|Hindi    • Food Items You Should Never Eat Empty...   Is Potato good or bad for health? आलू सेहत के लिए अच्छा है या बुरा | by Adeel mansoor Urdu|Hindi    • Is Potato good or bad for health? आलू...   Fresh Coconut Benefits | Taza Nariyal khane ke fawaid| नारियल के लाभ by Adeel masnoor Urdu|Hindi    • Fresh Coconut Benefits | Taza Nariyal...   Testicular Atrophy casues and treatment By Adeel mansoor Urdu|Hindi    • Testicular Atrophy casues and treatme...   Halitosis | How To Cure Bad Breath Permanently | Moo Ki Badboo Ka ilaj by Adeel mansoor Urdu|Hindi    • Halitosis  | How To Cure Bad Breath P...   Vitiligo Treatment | leucoderma treatment| Phulbehri ka ilaj by Adeel mansoor Urud|Hindi    • Vitiligo Treatment |  leucoderma trea...   High Viral Load in Lungs Drives Fatal COVID-19    • High Viral Load in Lungs Drives Fatal...   Visible hand veins and why you have them? | vascularity| hatho ki nase by Adeel mansoor Urdu|Hindi    • Visible hand veins and why you have t...   How To Treat Pigmentation |Melasma Treatment| Chaiyan Khatam Karne Ka Tarika by Adeel mansoor Urdu    • How To Treat Pigmentation |Melasma Tr...   12 foods for weightloss by Adeel mnsoor Urdu|Hindi    • 12 foods for weightloss by Adeel mnso...   Urethral Stricture Symptom & Treatment | Band Peshab ka ilaj by Adeel mansoor Urdu|Hindi    • Urethral Stricture Symptom & Treatmen...   Lungs Fibrosis |Pulmonary Fibrosis | Shortness of breath|سانس لینے میں دقت|By Adeel mansoor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKbjp... Important multivitamins and multi minerals for your good health by Adeel mansoor urdu|Hindi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9ndS... 7 Reasons that you are always tired and its treatment by Adeel mansoor Urdu|Hindi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vza_T... Warts on Face and body | Best Treatment of Warts By Adeel mansoor Urdu|Hindi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEiVs... Sea Buckthorn and its amazing health benefits by Adeel mansoor Urdu|Hindi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYf0z... Soybeans How Healthy it is? SoyaBean Ke Fayde | Soyabean Health Benefits Adeel mansoor Urdu |Hindi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o69nE... Gingivitis and gums infection| masoro ki bemari ka ilaj by Adeel mansoor Urdu|HIndi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNAl4... #Diarrhea #adeelmansoor #thesehatchannel