Unit 18.1: Asking information on the phone? | I Love English #englishconversation #englishspeaking
Welcome to "I Love English"! In this video, you'll learn practical English conversations for common everyday situations. Whether you're a beginner or looking to improve your conversational skills, these dialogues are perfect for daily use. You'll hear real-life conversations on topics such as greeting people, ordering at a restaurant, asking for directions, shopping, and more. Practice these dialogues to become more confident in speaking English, and use them in real-life interactions with friends, colleagues, or when traveling abroad. Our easy-to-follow conversations will help you improve your pronunciation, vocabulary, and overall fluency. Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel for more English learning videos and practice materials to help you become fluent in English. Let’s start speaking English more confidently today #EnglishConversationForBeginners #EnglishOrSpanish #LearnEnglish #EnglishPodcast #EnglishConversation #EnglishSpeakingPractice #BBCLearningEnglish #IELTS #IELTSSpeaking #IELTSPreparationFullCourse #EnglishSpeakingCourse #EnglishStory #EnglishOrSpanishSong #EnglishGrammar #EnglishPodcastForLearningEnglish #Ingles #IELTSReading #CursoDeIngles #PhrasalVerbs #EnglishVocabulary #EnglishConversationPractice #EnglishListeningPractice #IELTSSpeakingTest #EnglishListening #HọcTiếngAnh #ComoAprenderIngles #EnglishPronunciation #Verb #HowToWrite #EnglishCourse #HowToSpeakEnglish #Listening #LuyệnNgheTiếngAnh #EnglishForBeginners #SpeakEnglish #EnglishLanguage #InglesParaPrincipiantes #DailyEnglishConversation #EnglishPractice #DailyEnglish #RealLifeEnglish #TừVựngTiếngAnh #TiếngAnhGiaoTiếpCơBản #ComoAprenderInglesRapidoYFacil #CursoDeInglês #InglesBasico