Saints Row: Doc Ketchum's Murder Circus - Guilty As Charged | Chief Justice's Finale
HEY EVERYONE! To those who don't know me yet, then let me introduce myself. I'm FORDSY, FKA StanfordGaming, and I'm a Gamer! I've been gaming since 2003 and I do my best to try and make the best quality gaming videos on YouTube! On this channel, I do walkthroughs of different games which I will play here, I also do live streams time to time and do other videos such as music videos and vlogs! I hope that you do enjoy the content that I upload onto this channel and if so, please do consider SUBSCRIBING to the channel, not only will it help out the channel but I will also appreciate it. Hope to see you all soon, peace! ✌ Be sure to leave a LIKE, COMMENT and SUBSCRIBE for more Content. The theme that I currently use "Built To Rule" is from the original video game 'Sonic Mania' as apart of the Titanic Monarch Act 1 level and was composed by Tee Lopes. Follow my SOCIAL MEDIA, links are below. 👇 Follow me on Twitter - / itsfordsyonyt Follow me on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/itsfordsyon... Like me on Facebook - / itsfordsyonyt Follow me on TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@itsfordsyonyt... #SaintsRowReboot #DocKetchumsMurderCircus