Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cream Cheese Cupackes #recipe #veganrecipes #pumpkin
Recipe: https://humbleherbivore.com/pumpkin-c... Description: These cupcakes have a decadent addition. Cinnamon and nutmeg pumpkin spiced with chocolate chips and a cream cheese filling. This comforting and easy to make recipe is sure to be a crowd pleaser. QUESTION - Have a question about the video? Drop it in the comments! Connect with us on Social Media: YouTube: / @humbleherbivore Facebook: / humbleherbivorewebsite Instagram: / humbleherbivorewebsite Pinterest: / humbleherbivore Substack: https://humbleherbivore.substack.com/ #vegan #vegantreats #vegetarianrecipes #vegancooking #veganbakes #pumpkinspiceeverything #pumpkinspiceseason #pumpkins #pumpkincupcakes #dessert #dessertrecipe #dessertrecipes #dessertlovers #cupcakes #vegancupcakes #sweets #sweettooth #decadentdesserts #humbleherbivore #chocolatechips #creamcheeserecipe #creamcheeserecipe #creamcheesebake #baking #bakingrecipes #bakingrecipe