Third Midweek in Lent,  March 26, 2025

Third Midweek in Lent, March 26, 2025

Readings: Numbers 12:1–15 Psalm 106:1–6, 13–15, 44–48 Matthew 7:21–23 Hymns: 610 Lord Jesus, Think on Me 728 How Firm a Foundation 685 Let Us Ever Walk with Jesus Order of Service: Service of Prayer and Preaching Thank you for viewing our service on-line. While we believe these technological means of hearing the Word of God and watching the Divine Service of the Church are gifts from God by which His Word goes forth into the ears of many people, we also believe that there is no substitute for live and in-person worship at a local congregation where the very voice of the Gospel is spoken to and for you and you take part in the incarnational worship of our risen, flesh and blood Savior, Jesus Christ. Zion Ev. Lutheran Church is a member congregation of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. For more information about what the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod believes teaches and confesses go to -Other helpful resources: