Holy Rosary Sunday - 4th Sunday of Easter 2023 | Easter Prayer Day 22

Holy Rosary Sunday - 4th Sunday of Easter 2023 | Easter Prayer Day 22

Holy Rosary for Easter Day 22 Fourth Sunday of Easter 2023. Pray The Holy Rosary daily for 50 days of Easter season 2023 honoring Mary while focusing on the events in the life of Jesus Christ. The Holy Rosary is considered a perfect prayer because within it lies the awesome story of our salvation. Pray the Rosary every day in honor of Our Lady of the Rosary to obtain peace in the world. Please state your personal intentions in the comment box and we will pray together in this Holy Rosary. First Glorious Mystery is - The Resurrection – Faith. " You need not be amazed! You are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, the one who was crucified. He has been raised up; He is not here. See the place where they had laid Him." Mark 16:6 This Glorious Mystery is the cornerstone of the Christian faith. On this, we meditate Jesus’ conquering of death by rising again. Because of this, we need not fear death, and we look forward to joining our Heavenly Father when we complete our earthly lives. Through the Resurrection, we gain eternal life. Second Glorious Mystery is - The Ascension – Hope. "Then, after speaking to them, the Lord Jesus was taken up into Heaven and took His seat at God’s right hand." Mark 16:19 Jesus had completed his ministry on Earth, and it was time for him to return to his father in Heaven. Before this, the last thing he gave to his Apostles was the Great Commission. He commanded that they go forth and bring as many people to him as possible. Imagine being there to hear these words from Jesus and then watch him ascend into Heaven. Seeing that alone would make me want to tell everyone I could about him. Third Glorious Mystery is - The Coming of the Holy Spirit – Wisdom. " All were filled with the Holy Spirit. They began to express themselves in foreign tongues and make bold proclamation as the Spirit promised them." Acts 2:4 This Glorious Mystery always reminds me of my Confirmation, and as I meditate on it, I consider myself renewing my Confirmation. I think about how terrified the Apostles and Mary must have been in their upper room until the Holy Spirit granted them the gifts to go forth and share the Gospel. The Descent of the Holy Spirit reminds me of how much I need him. While I meditate on this Glorious Mystery, I humbly ask to receive his gifts so that I can be a better soldier of Christ, courageously bringing others closer to him. Fourth Glorious Mystery is - The Assumption of Mary – Devotion to Mary " May you be blessed, my daughter, by God most high, beyond all women on earth; and my the Lord God be blessed, the Creator of Heaven and earth." Judith 13:18 To say that God takes care of his children is an understatement. He anticipates and readily fulfills our needs, even those that we aren’t aware of. When Mary, the Blessed Mother of God completed her life on earth, God did not allow her body to decay. She could have been an incorruptible like some of the Saints, but God had bigger plans for her. Not only her soul, but also her body Assumed into Heaven at the end of her life. God protects all of his precious creations and is looking forward to bringing us home. Fifth Glorious Mystery is - The Coronation of Mary – Eternal Happiness. " A great sign appeared in the sky, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars." Revelations 12:1 When I meditate on this Glorious Mystery, what comes to mind most often is Mary’s humility. I can imagine Jesus placing a crown on her head as she humbly and graciously accepts it. I imagine her smiling as she gazes at the beauty of Heaven with excitement. Mary lovingly intercedes for us as we turn to her for her graces. She comforts us as a Mother should, and she always directs us toward her son. As we grow closer to her, we grow closer to Jesus. Please subscribe our channel and donate a token of thanks.    / @verseofthelord   #easter2023 #rosarysunday #eastertide2023 rosary, easter, prayer, holy rosary, easter prayer, catholic, easter rosary, prayer for easter 2023, rosary for easter 2023, rosary prayer, rosary sunday, holy rosary sunday, easter rosary 2023, daily rosary 2023, rosary easter 2023, daily prayer, easter 2023, easter prayer 2023, sunday rosary, easter season 2023, holy fifty days of easter, easter 2023 prayer, eastertide 2023, easter catholic 2023, daily easter rosary 2023, easter day 22, holy rosary for easter 2023