How to Crochet Cherry Charm or Cherry Earrings Easy Tutorial #crochet #tutorial #beginners
Welcome to CrocheTanya! Today is a wonderful day to Crochet Easy, Crochet Happy! Let's make this Cherry Charm - it can be phone or key charm, earrings or even a hair type - in this case make the stem longer :) You will need: *Crochet Thread size 3 or Super Fine Yarn (#1) in Green and Red *Crochet hook 2.75 - 3.5 mm depending on how tight do you crochet (the smaller the better) *Tapestry needle *A bit of stuffing *Glue to secure the knots *Lanyard for the charm or earrings hooks for the earrings Happy Crocheting! 00:32 Green Stem / Leaves 01:26 Start the Cherry 05:04 Stuffing 05:14 Closing the hole 05:42 Attaching the Cherry to the stem 06:28 Shaping the Cherry 07:18 Hiding yarn ends 07:21 Preparing the Stem for the 2nd Cherry 08:10 2nd Cherry 09:34 Securing the ends with Glue 10:00 Adding Lanyard Happy Crocheting! ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** crochet cherry,crochet,how to crochet,cherry crochet,how to crochet cherry,crochet cherry amigurumi,easy crochet cherry,free pattern,crochet tutorial,how to make a cherry amigurumi,how to crochet amigurumi,crochet tutorial for beginners,world of amigurumi,crochet learning for beginners,do it yourself,crochet tutorial cherry,simple crochet cherry,cherry diy,Crochet cherries,CrocheTanya,cherry crochet pattern,crochet cherry amigurumi pattern DIY Fruit Amigurumi,How to make a CHERRY amigurumi,AmiguWorld,crochet cherry amigurumi,how to crochet amigurumi,food amigurumi,fruit amigurumi crochet,cherry crochet pattern,móc trái cherry,world of amigurumi,amigurumi world,móc trái cây,cherry amigurumi,cherry crochet,free pattern,amiguurumi fruit,crochet fruit amiguurmi,thú bông len,amigurumi cherry,crochet cherry amigurumi pattern,hướng dẫn móc trái cây bằng len