'River' covered by ITZY YEJI(예지) | KPOP Dance Cover | Antara and Tavishi

'River' covered by ITZY YEJI(예지) | KPOP Dance Cover | Antara and Tavishi

This dance is incredibly tiring. Don't believe Yeji, no one can dance as gracefully as she can. But check out our cover on Bishop Briggs 'River', originally performed by Yeji. We tried our best, let us know in know comments if you like Antara's shirt or not! ~socials~ Instagram Dance Account : @danxingant //   / danxingant   Antara : @antarabasuroy //   / antarabasuroy   Tavishi : @tavishiisingh //   / tavishiisingh   ~credits~ song by: Bishop Briggs Choreography: Monroe Lee intro by: tavishi endcard by: antara editing by: antara display picture by: @blaze_227 //   / blaze_227   Disclaimer: We do not own any of the choreography or music. #yeji #river #studiochoom #KpopDance​ #kpopinquarantine