🌹Prayer to Padre Pio 📿Feast day 23 Sept✞ │#StPio #padrepiodepietrelcina #stpadrepio│ CATHOLICONE
Multitude of testimonies that attest to the extraordinary works of Padre Pio. He performed many miraculous healings, resurrected the dead, including a baby carried to him by the mother. RELATED PRAYERS are available to be viewed:    / @catholicone-md8cp  Visit CATHOLIC ONE online shop: https://catholicone.myspreadshop.com *Please remember to click on the Notification Bell (next to Subscribe button) to be notified every time we upload a new prayer video Thank you for watching and don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to CatholicOne channel. Thank you for your support and God bless! #godiswithus #catholicdevotionals #romancatholic #catholic #catholicone #catholicprayers #prayer #miracleprayer #Mary #OurLady #Madonna #HailMary #BlessedMother #PrayerChain #DivineIntercession #HopeAndHealing #HailMaryPrayer #MotherofGod #MotherofJesus #Jesus #AveMaria #dailyprayer #saint #christian #divineprayer #miracle #HealingPrayer #SpiritualGuidance #MarianDevotion #Faith #ChristianLiving #holymary #StarOfHope #SpiritualGrowth #Prayer #Hope #Gratitude #Blessings #Prayers #InnerPeace #Gratitude #DivineProtection #Faith #Courage #Serenity #DivineLove #blessedvirginmary #mariandevotion #ourladyoffatima #shortvideo #shortvideos #shortsyoutube #shortvideosonyoutube #short #shorts #prayforus #ourlady #Fatima #JesusRosadosSantos #LúciaofFátima #Fátima #MotherofGod #apparitions #holyname