Unranked to Unreal Solo Keyboard Ranked Reload Speedrun
Unranked to Unreal Keyboard Reload Speedrun (Fortnite Ranked) In Todays video i'm going from Unranked to Unreal on Keyboard! as a Speedrun. Intro: 00:00 Unranked: 00:16 Gold 3: 01:15 Platinum 2: 02:42 Platinum 3: 04:23 Diamond 1: 07:21 Elite: 09:11 Champion: 12:05 Unreal 14:15 So i got place 95k in Unreal Watch in 4k! And dont forget to Subscribe and like the Video! Also dont forget to Turn on Notifications! 💘 This video toke me alot of time so dont forget to do this ⬆️ Music - Epidemic Sound (Hashtags) #fortnite #fortnitereload #fortniteranked #speedrun #rankedsolo