Unranked to Unreal Solo Keyboard Ranked Reload Speedrun

Unranked to Unreal Solo Keyboard Ranked Reload Speedrun

Unranked to Unreal Keyboard Reload Speedrun (Fortnite Ranked) In Todays video i'm going from Unranked to Unreal on Keyboard! as a Speedrun. Intro: 00:00 Unranked: 00:16 Gold 3: 01:15 Platinum 2: 02:42 Platinum 3: 04:23 Diamond 1: 07:21 Elite: 09:11 Champion: 12:05 Unreal 14:15 So i got place 95k in Unreal Watch in 4k! And dont forget to Subscribe and like the Video! Also dont forget to Turn on Notifications! 💘 This video toke me alot of time so dont forget to do this ⬆️ Music - Epidemic Sound (Hashtags) #fortnite #fortnitereload #fortniteranked #speedrun #rankedsolo