March 21, 2025 Phoenix, Arizona Weather Discussion
-------------------------------------------------------- DONATIONS via paypal: [email protected] IT'S BACK! Our streaming station. Check out KMGX "Everything Plays Here" Directly via: http://www.kmgx.com OR VIA ONLINE RADIO BOX: https://onlineradiobox.com/us/kmgxpho... on TUNE IN: https://tunein.com/radio/KMGX-s258018/ Or on the GetMeRadio App ( or via web http://getme.radio/kmgx ) ---------------------------------------------------------- Check out Michelle's videos chronicling her trip to the Philippines! PART 1: • My Solo Travel Adventure to the Phili... PART 2: • My Solo Travel Adventure to the Phili... PART 3: • My Solo Travel Adventure to the Phili... ---- Michelle's website: http://www.sweetchildaz.org ---- #forecast #Phoenix #Weather #Rain #Snow #Wind #Thunderstorms #Drought #2025 #AirQuality #Spring #Tornado