X-MEN: FIRST CLASS (2011) MOVIE REACTION!! FIRST TIME WATCHING!! James McAvoy | Michael Fassbender
THE X-MEN GET A '60s REBOOT!! Save Money & Take Control Of Your Finances: https://rocketmoney.com/rejects X-Men: First Class Full Movie Reaction Watch Along: / thereelrejects Andrew Gordon & Tara Erickson enter the next chapter in the Fox X-Men Universe Marathon giving their REACTION, Commentary, Breakdown, Commentary, Easter Eggs, & Full Movie Spoiler Review for Matthew Vaughn's (Kingsmen, Kick Ass, Stardust) 1960's set film which sees superpowered humans Charles Xavier and Erik Lensherr working together to find others like them - but Erik's vengeful pursuit of an ambitious mutant who ruined his life causes a schism between the two men & the team of young mutants under their care. The film features James McAvoy (Split, Atonement, Wanted) & Michael Fassbender (Prometheus Inglourious Basterds, The Killer) as the young Charles Xavier & Erik Lenssher aka Professor X and Magneto. Jennifer Lawrence (The Hunger Games) takes over as Mystique alongside Nicholas Hoult as Hank McCoy aka Beast, Rose Byrne as Moira MacTaggart + Eddie Gathegi, Caleb Landry Jones, Lucas Till, Zoe Kravitz, Oliver Platt, January Jones as Emma Frost, Kevin Bacon as Sebastian Shaw, & MORE! Andrew & Tara REACT to all the Best Scenes & Most Exciting Moments including the Recruiting Mutants - Wolverine Cameo Scene, X-Men Training Montage Scene, Erik Lensherr Magneto, Magneto Bar Scene, Magneto Pulls Tooth - Bank Scene, Emma Frost Captured Scene, Magneto Kills Shaw - Coin Scene, & Beyond! NOTE FOR YOUTUBE: All Footage Featured From "X-Men: First Class" Is From A FICTIONAL Sci-Fi Action / Comic Book Movie. Any & All References To Violence Or "mature content" Are not real. #XMenFirstClass #MovieReaction #WildcardWednesday #XMen #Wolverine #Marvel #DeadpoolAndWolverine #JamesMcAvoy #MichaelFassbender #JenniferLawrence #HughJackman #Wolverine #FirstTimeWatching #MovieReaction #MovieReactionFirstTimeWatching The Wolverine Extended Cut (2013) Movie Reaction & Review: • THE WOLVERINE (2013) MOVIE REACTION!!... X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009) Movie Reaction & Review: • X-MEN ORIGINS: WOLVERINE (2009) MOVIE... X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) Movie Reaction & Review: • X-MEN: THE LAST STAND (2006) MOVIE RE... X2: X-Men United (2003) Movie Reaction & Review: • X2: X-MEN UNITED (2003) MOVIE REACTIO... X-Men (2000) Movie Reaction & Review: • X-MEN (2000) MOVIE REACTION!! FIRST T... Deadpool & Wolverine Out of the Theatre Reaction: • Just Watched DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE!! I... Joker 2: Folie A Deux Trailer Reaction: • JOKER 2 TRAILER REACTION!! Joker: Fol... Captain America 4 Brave New World Trailer Reaction: • CAPTAIN AMERICA 4 Brave New World TRA... Hulk (2003) Movie Reaction & Review: • HULK (2003) MOVIE REACTION! FIRST TIM... The Punisher (2004) Movie Reaction & Review: • THE PUNISHER (2004) MOVIE REACTION! F... Follow Tara Erickson on Youtube: / @taraerickson Instagram: / taraerickson twitter: / thetaraerickson Follow Andrew Gordon On Socials: YouTube: / @moviesource Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/agor711/?hl=en Twitter: / agor711 0:00 Leave a LIKE! 1:26 X-Men First Class Reaction 49:11 ROCKET MONEY! 51:03 X-Men First Class Review Support The Channel By Getting Some REEL REJECTS Aparrel! https://www.rejectnationshop.com/ Music Used In Manscaped Ad: Hat the Jazz by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... POWERED BY @GFUEL Visit https://gfuel.ly/3wD5Ygo and use code REJECTNATION for 20% off select tubs!! Head Editor: https://www.instagram.com/praperhq/?h... Supervising Producer: https://twitter.com/nerdchronic?lang=en Co-Editor: Greg Alba Co-Editor: John Humphrey Music In Video: Airport Lounge - Disco Ultralounge by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... Follow & Listen to Us Wherever You Get Your Podcasts!! Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3XHMwbv... Google Podcasts: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0... Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast... Audible: https://www.audible.com/pd/The-Apocal... Ask Us A QUESTION On CAMEO: https://www.cameo.com/thereelrejects Follow TheReelRejects On FACEBOOK, TWITTER, & INSTAGRAM: FB: / thereelrejects INSTAGRAM: / reelrejects TWITTER: / thereelrejects Follow GREG On INSTAGRAM & TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: / thegregalba TWITTER: / thegregalba PLAYLISTS: Trailer Reactions & Reviews: • Trailer Reactions & Reviews!!! Movie Reviews: • MOVIE REVIEWS!! Reel Rejects Sketches & Short Films: • In-Between Takes!!! (Sketch Series)