7/4/2021 10:00 a.m. Worship Service: Welcome Pastor Bob & Robin Freysinger!

7/4/2021 10:00 a.m. Worship Service: Welcome Pastor Bob & Robin Freysinger!

Happy Independence day & welcome to our new pastor & his wife Pastor Bob & Robin Freysinger join us for their first Sunday with Wesley Church. Welcome to our online worship! Worship order/bulletins at: https://www.ishpemingwesley.org/worsh... Online Offering available at: www.ishpemingwesley.org/offering Mail offering to: P.O. Box 342 Ishpeming, MI 49849 There are multiple ways to worship virtually with Wesley! Listen to worship LIVE on Sundays at 10am through the telephone: 1-720-740-9750 enter 1270449 and then # Watch online worship LIVE on Sundays at 10am through Facebook (and also later on): www.facebook.com/WesleyUMCLovesIshpeming Watch online worship through website/YouTube: www.ishpemingwesley.org/worshipvideos Listen to worship through website/soundcloud: www.ishpemingwesley.org/worshipaudio