Face Psoriasis को बढ़ने से कैसे रोकें? | How To Treat Face Psoriasis | Skin Care Tips
Face Psoriasis को बढ़ने से कैसे रोकें? | How To Treat Face Psoriasis | Skin Care Tips In this video, our expert, Dr. Megha Chaturvedi, discusses ways to manage and treat face psoriasis. Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition caused by rapid cell division of the skin cells. It manifests itself as dry, scaly patches on the skin, which may be itchy, painful, and sometimes even bleeding. Face psoriasis is when these patches build up on the face, and this generally occurs in the advanced stages of psoriasis. Here are a few expert tips to manage it well; We hope your journey through this is a successful one. If you have any doubts or are seeking out for treatment, please call us on the number provided in the video. Our team is available 24/7 to help you. Address: B-92, Sushant Lok, Phase 1, Near Millennium City Centre Metro Station, Gurugram, Haryana - 122009 Dr Megha Chaturvedi shares that you should be mindful of the treatment you are undergoing. It should prevent and stop the spread of psoriasis on your face. Along with the ointments used, you should also apply oil to the affected areas on the face and body. Psoria oil by Sia Ayurveda is very effective for this. For now, avoid shaving, using face wax, bleach, and threading your eyebrows. Do not use harsh makeup and beauty products on your face. Use a cleanser and good moisturiser for your skin. If you need clarification, we recommend you use body wash and moisturiser by Siya Ayurveda. Take good care of your digestive system. Prevent constipation with the help of fibrous food like whole grains, fruits and leafy vegetables. Protect your face from direct sunlight. Last but not least, remember patience is the key. Give yourself time and mental peace for the treatment to work and show its results. #psoriasis #psoriasistreatment #skindisease #skincare #drmeghachaturvedi