Worship Service 8:00am 08/14/2022 - 11th Sunday After Pentecost

Worship Service 8:00am 08/14/2022 - 11th Sunday After Pentecost

The Rev. Scott Johnson, Senior Pastor The Rev. Anton Lagoutine, Assistant Pastor The Sermon: "Jesus is Your Righteousness & That's Enough for You" Based on Luke 1:67-79 Rev. Corey Brooks First Reading: Jeremiah 23:16-29 Epistle Reading: Hebrews 11:17-31, 12:1-3 Gospel Reading: Luke 12:49-53 Opening Hymn: LSB # 537 "Beautiful Savior" Sermon Hymn: LSB # 575 "My Hope is Built on Nothing Less" Response Hymn: LSB # 567 "Not What These Hands Have Done" Distribution Hymns: LSB # 547 "The Lamb" LSB # 744 "Amazing Grace" Closing Hymn: LSB # 526 "You Are the Way; through You Alone" All rights to music have been authorized by the following: Streaming/Podcast License #100012094 Concordia Publishing House 3558 South Jefferson Ave St. Louis, MO 63118