Fickle Feelings / Joyce Meyers Devotional ‪@morningswithmommaapple5924‬

Fickle Feelings / Joyce Meyers Devotional ‪@morningswithmommaapple5924‬

"Fickle Feelings" "And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and appetites and desires." - Galatians 5:24 Good morning everybody! Well, we made it to Thursday. And it's gonna be a great day! Today's devotional reading in this video is from Joyce Meyers book, "the power of being thankful." Below is a little bit. What's on my heart to share with you today. Something we're gonna talk about today is our feelings. Feelings are good and important. They help guide us sometimes in the right direction, but sometimes guide us down the wrong one too.... sometimes I can get us in the whole jeep of troubles. That's why it's good to have our God help us sort through those feelings that we have big or small, and to make the best logical and ethical decisions for our life. I can't pretend I've got it right all the time or even most the time. It's something that the Lord has been working on with me over my life and I'm sure he's been teaching you a thing or two as well. This is a beautiful reminder that we need to keep coming back to God, our Lord, with all these emotions that we have when it comes to our decision making. He is the most understanding beans that you'll ever meet. He knows you from the inside out and he knows everything about you. He knows your feelings before you even bring them up to Him. And the fact is, he wants you to bring those feelings to him because he wants a relationship with you. He wants to help guide you to do what's right in situations that are tough. What's that one thing we're gonna talk about today is love in the feelings of it. Love, sometimes feels so good, but sometimes love doesn't feel good at all, when it is an action word, and we don't feel like being loving. But God calls us to do things that are hard sometimes and that helps us to be beautiful and create a beautiful world. I think you know where I'm going with this, God is good. And he's going to help us to become a lot more like him in this life if we let Him. I love your friends, and I hope you have been blessed and inspired by today's Word of the day. A good reminder of God's goodness in love for us sometimes all we need to be able to pour it out more on others. Thanks for watching, Feel free to hit that, like, subscribe, and share button. Together we are getting God's Word and promises out there. Sarah with Mornings with Momma Apple 🍎 Photo Note: My Brody (14) and I hiking this summer up at Cascade Falls State Park! He gives me a little gruff now and then but I sure do love the little punk. My heart explodes with love for my boys!