Reduce the Carbon Footprint | 4 Tips to celebrate a greener Diwali

Reduce the Carbon Footprint | 4 Tips to celebrate a greener Diwali

How to celebrate a greener Diwali? Celebration of the festival of lights is just around the corner. Are you out and about, choosing your favourite fireworks, shopping for presents, or planning your holiday decorations? Here are four exciting Suggestions for a more environmentally friendly Diwali! Make a few easy adjustments for a greener Diwali and lessen your impact on the environment. Are you considering any of these recommendations? Please share your thoughts in the feedback section. #environment #diwali2022 #ecofriendly #myplan8 #myplanet Follow us on: Twitter: LinkedIn: Facebook: YouTube: Instagram: About Myplan8: The role of each individual in the future of our planet is an important one. Neutralising our carbon footprints can do more to fight climate change than anything. By hacking the economic system, team Myplan8 is trying to create a better future for individuals, their families, and the globe. If done correctly, it’s a win-win situation. Our Vision is to be an impact brand with the best climate impact solution to improve the planet. We solve the individual problem of how to help with climate change and global warming 🌏 by providing avenues to reduce ⬇️ and offset ♻️ and assisting them in tracking their carbon footprints🦶🏻. It will help to create a harmonised environment 🌳 in which they can preserve their present world 🌏 and give it as a gift 🎁to their future. Utilising a wealth of climate-related data, we uncover the top performers, adjust our approach to keep pace with the times, and display the amount of CO2 you’re offsetting in our app. Your little act of self-initiative can have a significant positive impact.