Do not drink lemon water at this time | May Toxic #shorts #viral #healthydiet #trending #healthyfood

Do not drink lemon water at this time | May Toxic #shorts #viral #healthydiet #trending #healthyfood

Learn more about the benefits of lemons and the top mistakes people make when consuming lemon water. Let’s talk about lemon juice and how to avoid common mistakes when consuming it. It’s important to avoid pasteurized lemon juice because the heat used can destroy some of the benefits. Instead, consume lemon juice squeezed from organic lemons or blend whole organic lemons. Top potential benefits of lemons and limes: • They can help reduce kidney stones • They’re high in vitamin C and may help reduce the symptoms of vitamin C deficiency and scurvy • They have an antihistamine effect • They have anti-fungal properties • They can help reduce uric acid • They can help increase iron absorption Top mistakes people make when consuming lemon juice: 1. Drinking it right before a meal What to do: • Consume lemon water at least a half hour before you eat. 2. Not diluting it with water and not using a straw What to do: • Dilute your lemon juice with water and drink it through a straw. 3. Drinking it if you have an ulcer or gastritis What to do: • Lemon water will cause a burning sensation in this situation. Avoid anything acidic if you have an ulcer or inflammation in the stomach. 4. Drinking it if you have alkalosis What to do: • Lemon juice can worsen the symptoms of alkalosis and should be avoided in this situation. Video links: Must drink after age 50:    • Must drink after age 50 | Best Drinks...   Eat Healthy: What Is The Best Cooking Oil to use after age 50:    • Eat Healthy: What Is The Best Cooking...   Healthy Eating after 50: Highest Protein Foods In The World:    • Healthy Eating after 50: Highest Prot...   Food is medicine | Eating benefits of Vegetables after age 50:    • Food is medicine | Eating benefits of...   Top Foods To Eat After 50 (Anti-Aging Benefits) | Live Healthy Over 50 | NATURAL Foods:    • Top Foods To Eat After 50 (Anti-Aging...   Watch this video till end and share with your loved ones and Subscribe this channel. #healthtips #healthyfood #dr #diabetes #viral #healthylifestyle #healthyrecipes #healthyfood #dailylife #dailylifestyle #daily #totkay #healthwatchwithdrmaria #healthwatch #drmaria #viral #totkay #viralvideo #trending #anticancer #anticancerfood #antiaging #antiagingremedy #healing #vision #eyesight #eyesighttreatment #eyesightimprovement #eyesightproblems #best #treatments #lemon #weightloss #liver #alzheimer #anticancer #antivirals #antimicrobial DISCLAIMER: This video is purely educational and cannot be considered as personal medical advice. The content is my personal opinion and not that of my employer(s). Use this information at your own risk. I will not assume any liability for any direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of the information contained in this video including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness, or death. Thanks for watching! I hope this helps increase your awareness of the common mistakes people make when drinking lemon water. I’ll see you in the next video