The EASIEST Anabolic Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe You Need To Try Right Now
If you are looking for a quick and easy way to make low-calorie, high protein anabolic chocolate chip cookies, then this recipe is for you. Only 25 calories each, these cookies are so easy to make you won't believe it's possible. Get The Lowest Calorie Cookbook: https://bit.ly/3hBehlE Get The Definitive Guide to Fat Loss: https://bit.ly/3yQXwJ9 Get The Ultimate Fat Loss Bundle: https://bit.ly/3ea4XD9 Website: https://thekeytofatloss.com Instagram: / thekeytofatloss Subscribe here: / @thekeytofatloss Ingredients: 20g Light Butter (40% fat) 20g Granular Erythritol 20g Brown Erythritol 20g Apple Sauce 20g Egg Whites 20g Vanilla Casein Powder 20g Chocolate Chips 0.5g Baking Powder 0.5g Vanilla Extract 0.5g Salt Calories and macros: Entire batch: 230 Kcal 19.5g Protein 15.5g Fat 16g Carbs 1/9: 25.5 Kcal 2g Protein 1.7g Fat 1.8g Carbs