【MMD】 ITZY - Mafia (Haku)
【MMD】 ➤ Song : ITZY(있지) "마.피.아. In the morning" • ITZY "마.피.아. In the morning" M/V @ITZY ➤ Model1 : TDA 朋克小恶魔 Haku ( TDA Punk devil Haku ) 【Model by MMD大狐狸丶】 https://www.aplaybox.com/details/mode... ➤ Model2 : Tda Assassin Haku 【Model by 莉董勤】 https://www.aplaybox.com/details/mode... ➤ 【Motion by Kimagure】 • [MMD MOTION] ITZY - Mafia In the morn... ➤ 【Camera by Elyne-Ena】 (Iittle Change : by me) https://www.deviantart.com/elyne-ena/... ➤ 【Stage1 by 溯北 P】 https://bowlroll.net/file/181121 ➤ 【Stage2 by NOB】 https://seiga.nicovideo.jp/seiga/im10... ➤ 【Video by Sung Mun】 / @sungmun641 ➤ Effect : Ray AutoLuminous4 Diffusion7 MotionBlur3 PowerDOF IK_Rhinestone WorldSnow PostAnalogTV #MMD, #MikuMikuDance