26th Sun in OT: Tax Collectors & Prostitutes Will Enter the Kingdom of God Before You | Matt21:28-32
October 1, 2023: Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A My sheep hear my voice, says the Lord; I know them, and they follow me. Tax Collectors and Prostitutes Will Enter the Kingdom of God Before You Gospel | Matthew 21:28-32 🙏 "Lord Jesus, in the Gospel today, You are teaching me to seek humility, openness and genuineness like that of the tax collectors and prostitutes. You praised them because they could see and accept the real truth of Your salvation. Grant me the wisdom to know that You can forgive my sins when I'm aware of them. That if I'm not willing to see my sin, then it’s impossible for Your grace to enter in and heal. I desire freedom and I pray to see You more clearly and that I may love You more dearly. Amen." St. Therese of the Child Jesus, virgin, Patroness of Missions, pray for us.