여름에는 멜론 팥빙수죠,In summer, it's melon red bean shaved ice.
빙수기계없이 팥빙수를 즐길수 있도록 우유를 얼려서 수분과 영양섭취를 동시에 보충할수 있도록 여러가지 과일과 팥을 곁들여서 만들어낸 멜론 팥빙수를 소개한 영상입니다 This is a video introducing melon red bean shaved ice made with various fruits and red ben to replenish moisture and nutrition at the same time by freezing milk so that you can enjoy red bean shaved ice without a shaved ice machine #멜론팥빙수#우유팥빙수 재료 : 멜론,삶은팥,얼린우유,블루베리,채리,망고,레몬셔벗 Ingredients; Melon,boiled red bean,frozen milk,blueberry,cherries,mango,lemon sherbet Link: