St Mary's Church, Hitchin - The Second Sunday after Trinity, Sunday 26th June 2022

St Mary's Church, Hitchin - The Second Sunday after Trinity, Sunday 26th June 2022

President & Preacher: Rev Christopher Bunce Setting: Archer – Lincoln Service Processional Hymn: Christians, lift up your hearts - Salve Festa Dies 2 Lesson Reading: Galatians 5:1, 13-25 Gradual: Psalm 77:11-20 The Gospel: Luke 9:51-62 Offertory Hymn: I the Lord of sea and sky – Here I am, Lord Anthem: Ave verum – Mozart Communion Hymn: Sweet Sacrament divine – Divine mysteries Final Hymn: The kingdom is upon you - Wolvercote Voluntary: Prelude in F minor – J C Kittel This week's bulletin can be found at: For more information about St Mary's and donations, please see our website at