"Words and Actions" | Children's Moment With Pastor Stacy

"Words and Actions" | Children's Moment With Pastor Stacy

This video was clipped out from a recent Livestream of First Baptist Church West Hartford's Sunday Worship Services. To watch the full worship service follow the link below:    • Sunday Worship Service | May 7th 2023...   Rev. Stacy Emerson and the FBC Kids discuss - "Words and Action" ----- Subscribe to our channel to see our past worship services as well as when we go live next:    • Sunday Worship Service | November 20t...   ----- Facebook:   / firstbaptistwesthartford   Instagram:   / fbcweha   Website: https://www.fbcwesthartford.org/ ----- First Baptist Church West Hartford is an American Baptist Church. We are an open community of Christians who gather to seek, celebrate, live and share the love of God with all creation. With Jesus as the center of our life together, we are a theologically diverse congregation that welcomes every child of God into our community. The Bible is the foundational written document in our life and faith. We take the Bible very seriously but not literally, understanding that the Bible is the sufficient ground of our faith and practice while living under the movement of the Spirit. We understand our lives and faith as a journey and are committed to helping people along the way as we seek God together. As American Baptists, we believe in soul freedom and encourage each other to discover his or her faith in God according to the convictions of the individual heart, mind, and spirit. We are committed to working for justice, peace, and the integrity of all creation in our personal and corporate relationships. We believe in working cooperatively with other Christian churches and with other religious traditions with integrity and respect for the values each individual and congregation brings to working for the healing of the nations, God’s people, and God’s creation.