This Gun Shreds the Citadelle Des Morts Boss in Black Ops 6 Zombies OP Loadout

This Gun Shreds the Citadelle Des Morts Boss in Black Ops 6 Zombies OP Loadout

#BlackOps6 #BO6 #CallofDuty Check out Mitch Cactus link in bio Today we jump into Black Ops 6 Zombies Citadelle Des Morts to take on the Guardian Boss solo with the Jackel smg. This thing is op against the boss. I hope you all enjoy the video and thanks for the support! - Ghost Membership Link -    / @therealghost509   The Easiest Round 100 Strategy in BO6 Zombies Citadelle Des Morts -    • The Easiest Round 100 Strategy in BLA...   Are the Swords Now the Best Weapon in BO6 Zombies? Big Buff -    • Are the Swords Now the Best Weapon in...   This is Broken in Black Ops 6 Zombies Top New Perk Augment High Rounds -    • This is Broken in BO6 Zombies Top New...   #BlackOps #BlackOpsZombies #BlackOps6Zombies #Zombies #RoundBasedZombies #RBZ #BO6 #BO6Zombies #GS45 #MustangandSally #SallyandForth #Gaming #CallofDuty #LibertyFalls #TerminusIsland #BestWeaponsBO6 #BO6BestWeapons #BlackOps6BestGuns #BestGuns #HighRounds #BO6HighRounds #WonderWeapon #JETGUN #FreeJETGUN #ZombiesGuide #LibertyFallsGuide #LibertyFallsZombies #BO6ZombiesGuide #GamingGuides #terminusisland #Patient13 #SVD #XMG #MysticGold #EasyCamos #EasyMysticGold #Augments #BO6Augments #ZombiesAugments #PHDFlopper #PHDSlider #StaminUp #Nebula #NebulaCamo #EasyNebula #FASTXP #2XP #BO62XP #FastestXP #SeasonOne #BO6Season1 #BO6SeasonOne #Saug #BestSaugLoadout #Top10 #Top10BestWeapons #Top10BestGuns #BestBO6Weapons #BestBO6Guns #BestBO6ZombiesWeapons #Top10List #citadelledesmorts How to play zombies in BO6 Learn how to survive the zombie horde Unlock new weapons and perks Complete challenges and objectives Best guns for zombies in BO6 Find out which guns are the most powerful Learn how to use them effectively Build the ultimate zombie-killing machine Zombie easter eggs in Black Ops 6 Solve the puzzles and unlock hidden rewards Explore the maps and find secrets Discover new and exciting content Updates and new content for MW3 zombies Stay up-to-date on the latest changes Get the inside scoop on new maps and modes Be the first to know about new content How to play zombies with friends Team up with friends to take on the zombie horde Work together to survive and complete objectives Have a blast with your friends