ILTC. Idiom of the week #8 "spill the beans"

ILTC. Idiom of the week #8 "spill the beans"

Check out a new video from ILTC! 🎓Our teacher Clayton Strycker is presenting a new "Idiom of the week"😁 Watch the video and add your examples!🤓 #iltcinstudy #iltcmoldova #iltcvideo #iltcidiomsoftheweek #iltcmd2019 ****************************************** 43 Petru Rares str., Chisinau Tel: 0 22 29 29 88, 0 79 88 29 88, 0 67 29 29 88 Follow US:    / @iltcmoldova1496     / iltcmoldova     / iltcmoldova