Pink Floyd ~ Best Old Songs Of All Time ~ Golden Oldies Greatest Hits 50s 60s 70s
Pink Floyd ~ Best Old Songs Of All Time ~ Golden Oldies Greatest Hits 50s 60s 70s [00:04:45] - 1.T̲he̲̲ Grea̲t Gig̲ In T̲h̲̲e Sk̲y̲ [00:11:51] - 2.T̲i̲̲m̲̲e̲̲ [00:25:24] - 3.S̲̲hi̲̲n̲e̲̲ o̲n You̲ C̲ra̲z̲̲y Diam̲ond̲̲ (Pts. 1̲-̲̲5̲̲) [00:30:24] - 4.W̲is̲h Y̲o̲u̲̲ Wer̲̲e Her̲e̲̲ [00:35:09] - 5.T̲̲h̲e̲̲ G̲̲r̲e̲̲a̲t̲ Gi̲̲g̲̲ I̲̲n̲ T̲̲he Sk̲y [00:42:15] - 6.Ti̲m̲e̲̲ [00:55:48] - 7.S̲̲hi̲̲n̲̲e o̲n Y̲o̲̲u Crazy̲ D̲i̲amon̲d (Pts̲̲.̲̲ 1-5) [01:00:48] - 8.W̲̲ish Y̲̲o̲̲u̲̲ Wer̲e Here Pink Floyd melhoresmúsicas grandessucessos oldiessongs grandesexítos MejoresCanciones LatinSongs oldiesbutgoodies classicsongs 60splaylist 70smusichits greatesthits oldsongs50s60s70s oldmusic MejoresÉxitos Tags: grandes sucessos, grandes exítos, grandes sucessos antigas, Grandes Exitos, Mejores Éxitos, Mejores Canciones, Latin Songs, Latino Music old songs, Country music, oldies but goodies, oldies, old music, Golden Oldies 50s 60s 70s, classic songs, greatest hits, old songs 50s 60s 70s, 60s music hits, love songs 60s 70s 80s, best old songs, oldies music, 60s songs, oldies songs, oldies but goodies love songs, Old Songs Lyrics, 60s playlist, 70s music hits, oldies but goodies 50s 60s 70s