If You're Happy | Ten Little Buses | Rain Rain Go Away | Nursery Rhymes & Collection Kids USA

If You're Happy | Ten Little Buses | Rain Rain Go Away | Nursery Rhymes & Collection Kids USA

Subscribe for new videos every week!    / @pilligo   A new compilation video, including one of our popular nursery rhymes, "Ten Little Buses" Watch your favorite song by clicking a title below: 0:00 If You're Happy and You Know it Song 2:58 Ten Little Buses Song 5:33 Rain Rain Go Away Song If You're Happy and You Know it | Ten Little Buses | Rain Rain Go Away | Nursery Rhymes & Collection Kids USA and other countries wheels on the bus, cocomelon wheels on the bus, jj, funny, comedy, kids songs, baby songs Wheels On The Bus, abc song, children songs, bus, kids songs, kids education, kids song, kids tv, kindergarten, kids videos, nursery rhymes, round and round, wheels on the bus, wheel on the bus, the wheels on the bus go round and round song, songs for kids, baby shark, cocomelon, looloo kids, Old Macdonald, Old MacDonald Had A Farm Animal sounds Song, loolookids, old macdonald #nurseryrhymes #ifyouhappy #tenlittle #rainraingoawaysong #wheelsonthebus #bussong #rhymescollection #rhymespoem