How To Improve NLAT Scores | Preparation Strategy | NLAT Cut-Offs | NLSIU Bangalore |

How To Improve NLAT Scores | Preparation Strategy | NLAT Cut-Offs | NLSIU Bangalore |

EXAM SYLLABUS The syllabus for NLAT 2020 exam will be the same as CLAT 2020. It will have 5 subjects – English Language, Current Affairs Including General Knowledge, Legal Reasoning, Logical Reasoning, and Quantitative Techniques. EXAM PATTERN The NLAT 2020 UG exam will be conducted in online mode. All questions will be in English medium and MCQ based. The NLAT 2020 UG will comprise 4 General Comprehension (GC) passages. Each GC passage will be accompanied by 10 questions that candidates will have to answer based on the information provided in the corresponding GC passage and in the questions. Each GC passage will be of a similar length (i.e., ~500 words) and order of difficulty as in the Mock CLAT 2020 UG papers. The 10 questions that accompany each GC passage will have 2 questions each from the 5 subjects. NLAT 2020 UG will have a total of 40 questions. So a total of 40 questions are to be attempted in 45 minutes. There is also a negative marking for not attempting a question. The full marking scheme is mentioned below. NLAT Cut-Offs for NLSIU Bangalore Total Marks 80 Marks Right Answer 2 Marks Wrong Answer -0.50 Marks Not Attempted -0.25 Marks NLAT 2020 Marking Scheme NOTE: All candidates will get only one attempt for each question i.e you can revisit the question once you have attempted or skipped it. #NLAT_2020 #NLSIU #NLAT_Preparation_Strategy #NLAT2020 #NLSIUBangalore #NationalLawAptitudeTest #CLAT #CLAT2020 #SamplePaperNLAT #MockNLAT #NLSIU NLAT 2020: HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR NLAT SCORES I Tips on how to ace NLAT 2020 NLAT 2020 | A to Z of NLAT by Dr Dinesh Nagpal | Expected NLAT Cut-Offs for NLSIU Bangalore nlat 2020 form, nlat website, nlat exam syllabus, nlat entrance exam, nlat mock test, nlat official website nlat preparation, nlat previous year paper, nlat general knowledge and current affairs, nlat online coaching, nlat logical reasoning, nlat paper, nlat course, nlat study material, nlat exam, legal aptitude and legal reasoning, logical reasoning for nlat, nlat exam information, How to Score Good In NLAT 2020 score good in NLAT2020 NLAT Preparation Strategy| NLAT strategy| Nlat sample paper| NLSIU Exam Preparation The story of CLAT and NLAT | Law Universities Consortium unhappy | Students approach Jharkhand HC #CLAT2020 #NLAT2020 #TSSudhir #LawAdmissionTest 7-day Golden Strategy to Crack NLAT 2020 | Super Hacks for NLAT 2020 | #nlatpreparationtips NLAT 2020 I Tips and Modalities I How and What to prepare in the remaining time NLAT 2020 | All About NLAT 2020 by Dr Dinesh Nagpal | National Law Aptitude Test by NLSIU Bangalore #Bangalore #NLSIUBangalore #NLAT #NationalLawAptitudeTest #NLSIU #CLAT #CLAT2020 NLAT 2020 | All About NLAT | NLAT Form Filling | Syllabus | Pattern | Strategy | Sample Paper #NLAT_2020 #NLAT_Form_filling #NLAT_and_CLAT #Why_NLAT #About_NLAT difference in CLAT And NLAT CLAT vs NLAT • nlat paper, • nlat course, • logical reasoning for nlat, • nlat exam information, • nlat model paper, how to attempt NLAT exam HOW to give NLAT 2020 exam nlat preparation, • nlat previous year paper, • nlat general knowledge and current affairs, • nlat online coaching, • nlat logical reasoning, NLAT 2020 | All you need to know about National Law Aptitude Test by NLSIU Bangalore Decrypting NLAT 2020 | Gateway to NLSIU Bengaluru #NationalLawUniversity #NLUs #AILET #AILET2020 #NLAT1.0 #BestLawSchool #BestLawCollege #DreamLawSchool #CLAT #CLATPostponed #CLAT2020 NLSIU Bangalore New Admission Procedure| NLAT Preparation| NLAT Pattern| NLSIU NLAT 2020 CLAT Vs NLAT - CLAT aspirants challenges NLSIU decision in Jharkhand High Court BIG UPDATE!! NLSIU out of CLAT 2020 | What NEXT ?? | Latest News🔥🔥🔥🔥 #NLAT2020 #CLAT2020 #NLSIU CLAT Exam Preparation Video || Best Strategy to Crack CLAT in first Attempt || NLAT 2020 Admit Card | Nlat Admit Card 2020 NLAT 2020: HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR NLAT SCORES I Tips on how to ace NLAT 2020 NLAT 2020 | Last week preparation strategies and tips | Everything you need to know about NLAT 2020. NLSIU Bangalore (New Reservation Policy 2020) | NLAT 2020 NLSIU Bangalore Mock test NLSIU Bangalore sample paper NLAT legal Preparation Nlat English Preparation Nlat Quant Preparartion Nlat Di Preparation 🔴NLAT 2020: Preparation Strategy || 7 Days Enough to Crack NLAT 2020 NLAT 2020, clat, nlat 2020, nlat preparation strategy 2020, nlsiu bangalore, nlsiu bangalore entrance exam, nlat nlsiu 2020, how to prepare nlat in 10 days, how to prepare nlat in 7 days, how to prepare nlat 2020, how to crack nlat 2020, nlat 2020 preparation strategy, nlat 2020 preparation tips NLAT 2020 | NLSIU Bangalore | All About NLAT 2020 | Preparation Strategy & Sample Paper Analysis 1. Importance of NLAT 2020. 2. Key benefits of joining NLSIU BANGALORE. 3. NLAT Paper Pattern. 4. Sample Passage Analysis. 5. Negative Marking & Sequential Answering Pattern. #NLATPostponed #CLAT2020 #NLAT_RE_TEST #NLAT_POSTPONE